Wednesday, April 28, 2010
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
To sum it all up..
We have had a great opening Day, I still have not gotten my pictures uploaded from that, but I will, eventually! Our team won 1st place for their truck, it was a dog house! Let’s see.. We went to WV last week to visit some family. I got to give my lovely Mawmaw a perm and spend some time with my sis and her cute kids, went to dinner and went shopping. A very quick trip but always worth it to see my favorite people. Then I got back from WV Thursday evening and went to Foster’s for our MOD fundraiser night and had a rainy game Saturday followed by a family B-day party for Ryan, his Dad and his uncle. Sunday was our big March of Dimes walk and it was great. Can’t wait til next year so I can raise a lot more money. It’s nice knowing what to expect now.
So, since we have gotten home from WV, my little niece Jillian has been taken to the hospital Saturday evening and is still there. She is doing much better though. The scary thing is that they still can’t tell us what’s wrong with her! It’s crazy to me. but she has an IV giving her antibiotics and fluids and her fevers have gone away. The doctors thought it was an infection of some kind but now maybe just a bad virus that hit her hard since she’s so little? Just waiting for her to eat and drink now, so hopefully tomorrow my girl will be doing even better and maybe go home. I know this has been awful for my sis, I can’t imagine. She’s a wonderful mother though and is doing a great job taking care of her sick baby when she’s needed the most!
here’s some pics!
Aww, what it would look like if he had a sister..
Pretty girl
Birthday boys (even though Ryan’s was last month, they get around to party’s really late..)
Washington Post Article
My mom called me this morning to tell me that yesterdays Washington Post had a great article in it about our Davis family that lost 3 in the mine explosion. I posted it in case anyone would like to read it online. There is a picture of my great aunt Linda next to the President and many other pictures from our family there. It was pretty hard to read it and see the pictures at work, very emotional to me, but a great article.
Hope everyone’s having a great week so far!
Monday, April 26, 2010
Happy Birthday Besties!
Over the weekend two of my very best friends celebrated birthdays. Two of the most fun, lovely ladies i have ever known. I’m so lucky to have them in my life, even though one of them I never get to see anymore!
Happy B-day BFF’s!
Monday, April 19, 2010
Love this boy!
This is all I have time for today.. Will upload opening day pics when I get back from WV!
I just wanted to say I love this boy and he makes me so happy :)
Friday, April 16, 2010
I don’t even know what to write, my brain is on overload these days! Everything is good though for the most part. Caleb’s doing well. Reese is the same. Mommy and Daddy are really tired but we are all healthy! Baseball is going great. My boy has really grown and gotten so good. I can’t wait to see him move up to machine pitch next time. He is about to start on a Flovent inhaler instead of his Symbicort. It’s supposed to be a step down to a less strong controller medication because of course we want him on as little as possible as long as it is still doing what it needs to do for him.
Caleb’s right front tooth is loose! Soon he’s going to have his first real toothless smile. The other two teeth that he lost (bottom front) both had new adult teeth coming in and pushing them out, so as soon as he lost them there was already a big tooth coming in. I think it’s so neat. I wonder how many teeth he will lose before he stops being afraid that he’s going to swallow them??
I’m going to miss his cute little teeny tiny baby teeth!
Thursday, April 8, 2010
Interviews- Our WV Family
My Mom, her two brothers, and my Maw Maw all went to be with the family yesterday. They are not doing so great of course. I have to say, my family is so wonderful! And I love you all so much!
I’m staying hopeful today that they will find 4 survivors! Keep praying.
I will have pictures of by boy later today to post. Not much going on besides the regular.. work, t-ball, dinner, start over.
Tuesday, April 6, 2010
Davis Family
This is what I know as of now. Tommy Davis, in the red shirt to the left of my maw maw is supposed to be ok. Timmy Davis in the brown passed away along with Tommy’s son Cory(20) and his sister Pam’s son Josh (27)(lady in red shirt next to my mom).
Timmy’s son Cody made it out with Tommy. So, Timmy (brown shirt) and 2 of his nephews (his sis’s son and bro’s son) passed away in blast. Tommy (in red) survived along with his nephew Cody but his own son Cory didn’t make it. I know this is really confusing. We had earlier thought that Tommy and Timmy had each been with their own sons but they were with each others. The ones that didn’t make it were on their way out after a long shift. If it had been just a little later they would have been out and alive, but the other two would have been in there. So many great men lost in this and I can only pray that the four remaining are found alive. That would be a wonderful miracle.
The other two in the photo are my husband and my brother in law.
Thank you all for the prayers. All of the affected families could really use them.
Quick Update
Three of the five relatives did not survive. We aren’t sure of the condition of two of them, but I think they are ok. I can’t believe the total is up to 25. It’s heartbreaking. I feel so bad for all of those families. I can’t believe it. I stayed up til 2 watching CNN while watching my dog try to walk around the living room with one leg just hanging. He fell a lot. It was a depressing night to say the least. When I woke up and turned CNN on again and heard that 25 were dead I knew that did not sound good for our three missing. I called my Maw Maw and she told me that she had gotten a call a bit earlier from one of her nephews to tell her that Timmy and his son and his nephew did not make it. Timmy is my grandmothers brother Charles son. Timmy’s son was with him and his sister Pam’s only son. The three of them were found together. I had to call and tell my mom. She said she stayed up til 6 watching the news. I am very thankful that Charles son Tommy and his son are alright, from what we hear. I really pray that its true. I can’t imagine losing both of your sons at the same time. One is tragic enough. For Charles and Linda, they just lost a son and two grandsons. I just want to go there and hug everyone. I wish I could help. I don’t know who to talk to about it, so I’m laying it out there for my blog friends. Sorry for the sad news. I just can’t stop thinking about all the mothers and fathers, wives and children of these hardworking men that have lost their lives. God Bless all of them.
Monday, April 5, 2010
Please pray for WV miners
It's what so many of our relatives in WV do. I will never let my baby work in one! I pray they can get to the rest of the men and boys and that they are all ok, and I pray for the families of the men already gone. It's such a tradgedy.
Easter Weekend
He looks just like his Daddy in that first one, I have seen an identical picture of Ryan from when he was a kid. I love it.
There really is a lot of neat stuff in his basket, you just can’t see it!
He had to have glasses just like his big cousins..
I now call him Batista from WWE.
I didn’t buy him a new Easter outfit, just used hand-me-downs,they worked great!
His Easter basket from G-ma Joan, isn’t it cool? He was yelling “this is my FIRST TAPOUT shirt!!”
Cutie with the muddy legs
tackle football
the bruises my little tough guy had were crazy… Caleb’s fave egg
You know what’s missing from our Easter pictures?? Little girls in pretty dresses.. We really need more girls in this family! Bree was in WV visiting my other little niece Jillian. can’t wait to see pictures of them!
Friday, April 2, 2010
Funny little man
The other night after practice, Caleb and I were headed to Bryans Road to meet Ryan for dinner and Caleb asked me if we had to go to Michael’s party Saturday. I was shocked. The last time they played together they had so much fun and Caleb cried when we left because he was sad to leave him, and he said he wished he was his brother. So I asked him why he didn’t want to go now. he said- “Well, I didn’t tell you but when we played together last time we laughed so hard that I peed my pants.” I said why didn’t you tell me, and was it just a little bit, and he said no, it was a lot! I asked him why he didn’t tell me and he said “I just acted like a man and kept it to myself”, the voice he said it in and how serious he was made me want to laugh so hard, but I couldn’t. So, I told him that I would remind him to go pee a lot at the party and that I would bring an extra set of pants and underwear and he said I better make it two.. He cracks me up. I can’t believe he peed his pants and didn’t tell me! It’s not normal for him to do that. I told him I’m glad he has a friend that he has so much fun playing with, who also happens to be his 2nd cousin. Can’t wait to see them play at Michaels party tomorrow!