Friday, July 22, 2011

University of MD Baseball Camp

Megan was awesome (like always) and let Ryan take her camera to take pics of our boys at camp on the last day.  These are my favorite shots with Caleb.


camp 2

camp 3

camp 6

camp 14

camp 19

camp 35 Connor, Caleb, John, Justin  our little all stars :)

camp 39

camp 33

camp 15

camp 43 Coach Neiman

camp 53 The other great coaches there that worked with the age group Caleb was in.

267965_10150299198224462_790839461_8988724_2617573_n The best Coach of all.

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

OC July 2011 (Jake’s 1st beach trip)

Last week I had to make a quick trip for work to our warehouse and it is about 40 minutes away from OC, MD so we decided to leave weds night, I had to work for a little bit Thursday and then Friday thru Sunday we had a nice time just doing whatever Caleb wanted.  He’s usually the boss.  We did some outlet shopping, napped a tiny bit (not nearly enough), played putt-putt twice and went to the beach once.  I can’t wait to get to a beach again.  i really want to go back soon.  I just did not get enough beach time in!  I spent the one day at the beach playing with Jake and getting him to sleep in the shade and then built a turtle in the sand for Caleb.  Here are some cell phone pics from our trip.  I still have to figure out what’s wrong with my camera and upload those photos soon.  I figured this is better than nothing coming from me, a not so great blogger.. 













These next pics are pre-OC. 

This is Caleb knocked out after a LONG, HOT day of baseball camp at University of MD.  He did so great. 


Here’s Jacob knocked out after a long day of being spoiled by his Grandma Brenda and aunt Erin.


This is Jake and daddy looking cute at giant one night. Nothing looks hotter on my hubby than a sweet baby, that’s for sure.  Even with the glare from his bald head.


And this is big boy holding his bottle.  He’s really growing so fast.  He reaches out for toys now and puts everything in his mouth.  he rolls over and he scoots.  If he can get the upper body going while doing tummy time he would be crawling in no time.  He thinks he is so big.  He loves to be tickled, especially when i pretend I’m eating him up, like around his chin, neck, chest area.  he laughs so hard he kinda lets out little screams at first.  It’s too funny.


Monday, July 11, 2011

Caleb’s 1st Day of his 1st ever baseball camp

UM camp

I know its a bad picture, but its all I got from his daddy so far.   Camp is Monday, Tuesday and Weds from 9 to 5 at the University of Maryland.  He has been so so so excited and so have his Dad and I.  I just love that he loves something so much.  3 of his best buddies also went.  Ryan and his asst Coach Bobby went and took all 4 kids in my truck.  They really are some awesome coaches.  They go way above and beyond for these kids.  I hope Caleb, John, Justin and Connor had a wonderful 1st day!