Tuesday, August 31, 2010



Reese is gone and we are heartbroken.   

Hopefully soon it will be getting better!  Caleb is doing alright.  I have a wonderful family that is really helping us out.  Especially my Daddy for being there for me and digging in the heat Sunday and for everything yesterday. 

Monday, August 30, 2010

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

MFM appt 8/24/10


Yesterday I had another appt in Rockville.  This time I got to see MY doctor. I only waited about an hour, and I was about 30 mins early, so really I got back there maybe 30 mins after my appt time.  They said everything looks great.  The baby is looking good!  I should be 13.5 weeks but am still measuring a little behind at 12.5 weeks.  Growth rate since the last time was good though.  Since everything’s looking good and the shots worked so well with Caleb, I don’t have to go back for 5 weeks!  Sept. 28th!  yes…   So, the sono lady said that she thinks its a boy… but it’s really too early to be sure because girls can have something sticking out down there at this age.  When I was preggo with Caleb they told me very early but were sure, and I was too.  It was obvious!  This time I am not convinced.  Stinky thing is that I wont know for sure til my next appt in 5 weeks!  I realized when she said BOY that I felt a little disappointed and wanted her to be wrong.  She said she probably is though and not to go painting the room so at this point I still have no idea.. its 50/50.  I can’t help think of it as a boy now though!  She was probably right.  Either way he or she was so cute moving all around and waving to mommy and daddy.  Ryan told Caleb that we got to see  his baby brother yesterday and he was yelling YES!  I wish he didn’t say anything to him!  I’m betting it’s a girl still!  I just have a weird feeling.  Caleb has said it’s ok if it’s a sister but he is NOT playing with her, lol.  And, if he has a brother he is fine sharing everything including his underwear??  just NOT his under armour ones! 


Reese update- Can’t put it off any longer.  The first available evening we have is next Monday the 1st day of school.. So we are taking him at 5:30pm.  Caleb is going to have dinner with my niece that starts Kindergarten that day and I’m going to get them a small cake.   Hopefully he doesn’t take it hard.    I’m ready, its just sad of course, but a part of life.  We just started our little family with him.  He’s always been there.  We moved into our home and got him and then brought a baby home after that.  It’s been us 4.  So no dog no matter how cool, will ever compare to what he has been to us. 

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Happy 1st Birthday Luke!



Patty-  I love this picture of him so I stole it..

8/19/10   baby Luke turns one :)

Monday, August 16, 2010

MFM Rockville appt 8/13/10


11.5 weeks


I don’t want to do too much complaining on here, but I can’t help myself!  We left our house at 10:30 a.m. Friday morning and got to my high risk doctors office right after 1.  (we stopped at a gas station and at a burger joint so I could run in, get sick and grab some fries..)  We waited for 2 hrs in the waiting room.  The office staff so far is not very friendly when I call with a question or when I checked in that day.  Not how they were back when I was there pregnant with Caleb at least.  I also found out that my doctor was not here, even though that’s who I made my appointment for, I guess they don’t care.  I was a little disappointed because I dressed Caleb so cute for him to meet her.  He hasn’t been there since he was a newborn, and I like to show my little man off, especially to people that helped him to survive inside my body. 

Once we got to the sonogram room the lady started doing her thing.. She didn’t speak English all that great, which was a little annoying.  Then I tried to give her my cd to put the video of the sonogram on it, she had no idea what I was talking about. 

Next, I started to freak privately  because when she first had the baby on the screen I could not see the flickering movement (heartbeat) that I’m always watching for .  I didn’t say anything but I don’t think I was breathing for a minute there.  I was proud of myself though that my leg wasn’t shaking off the table.  After the first couple times that I went for a sonogram and there was no heartbeat I developed this nervous leg shaking thing..  Apparently it has gotten better!  There was a heartbeat and I was so relieved!  168 bpm i thin it was.  Then the lady told me that the baby was measuring a week early so they would not be able to do all the things they wanted to do that day, and I would have to come back in 10 days to do everything, and to make sure he or she is growing the way he should be.   So, it was almost a waste of a trip.  I did at least get to see my baby though for a minute. 

We finally got out of that office at about 3:40 and went to Bugaboo’s steakhouse because we thought Caleb would think all the animals inside were neat, and he did!  We sat in traffic on the way home and then stopped to grab some Rita’s.  It was after 8 when we got home.  It was really a long day!  and I have to repeat it again next week.. Oh well.  At least I will get some new pictures!

One thing that I thought was really cool, was that in the tiny sono room we were in, it had one small cork board with baby pictures on it.  My baby was right at the top.    Look how cute he was!  (FYI- he was pooping as they took his hospital picture.. look at his fists..)  He is the one right in the middle with dark hair and a white and baby blue striped shirt on.


Friday, August 6, 2010

Flashback Friday


In honor up the upcoming football season…

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Random Picture Post

These are from different occasions throughout the last month I guess..

DSCN5564 DSCN5771 DSCN5519 DSCN5517


He was a bit mad about me making him pause his DS game to take a picture..


That’s Justin on his head.. he did it so many times. Very talented!


Going for a ride.



I love you Caleb!  You are beautiful and so big now!  You are helping to take care of me and are very thoughtful and sweet (most of the time.)  I think you are having a growth spurt because you ate like crazy the other night and then wanted to go right to bed!  It was crazy.  It’s almost time for you to start first grade!  You have asked me a few times if I will like the new baby better than you.. I could never love anything more than you.  Maybe the same but not more.  You are my most special thing in life buddy.