Wednesday, August 25, 2010

MFM appt 8/24/10


Yesterday I had another appt in Rockville.  This time I got to see MY doctor. I only waited about an hour, and I was about 30 mins early, so really I got back there maybe 30 mins after my appt time.  They said everything looks great.  The baby is looking good!  I should be 13.5 weeks but am still measuring a little behind at 12.5 weeks.  Growth rate since the last time was good though.  Since everything’s looking good and the shots worked so well with Caleb, I don’t have to go back for 5 weeks!  Sept. 28th!  yes…   So, the sono lady said that she thinks its a boy… but it’s really too early to be sure because girls can have something sticking out down there at this age.  When I was preggo with Caleb they told me very early but were sure, and I was too.  It was obvious!  This time I am not convinced.  Stinky thing is that I wont know for sure til my next appt in 5 weeks!  I realized when she said BOY that I felt a little disappointed and wanted her to be wrong.  She said she probably is though and not to go painting the room so at this point I still have no idea.. its 50/50.  I can’t help think of it as a boy now though!  She was probably right.  Either way he or she was so cute moving all around and waving to mommy and daddy.  Ryan told Caleb that we got to see  his baby brother yesterday and he was yelling YES!  I wish he didn’t say anything to him!  I’m betting it’s a girl still!  I just have a weird feeling.  Caleb has said it’s ok if it’s a sister but he is NOT playing with her, lol.  And, if he has a brother he is fine sharing everything including his underwear??  just NOT his under armour ones! 


Reese update- Can’t put it off any longer.  The first available evening we have is next Monday the 1st day of school.. So we are taking him at 5:30pm.  Caleb is going to have dinner with my niece that starts Kindergarten that day and I’m going to get them a small cake.   Hopefully he doesn’t take it hard.    I’m ready, its just sad of course, but a part of life.  We just started our little family with him.  He’s always been there.  We moved into our home and got him and then brought a baby home after that.  It’s been us 4.  So no dog no matter how cool, will ever compare to what he has been to us. 

1 comment:

  1. I'm glad everything looks good, but I'm so sorry about Reese :(
