Thursday, November 19, 2009

So Busy!

My baby in his Raiders gear
Pretty Bree

Leaf thing I made with huge leaves Caleb collected

His beautiful picture he made for me. A turtle, the sun, a flower and grass..

Cute trick or treaters

Me and my boy, ignore the messy closet..

Caleb and his bff Justin

Daddy and Calebs shoes..


Best cousins playing WWE 2010

Pumpkin Farm

making a popeye face..

Silly boys on the bus!

I have been so busy with everything. I'm playing catch up, doing all the things I didn't get to during Fall ball. I just had a great visit with my Aunt Jill and Uncle Wayne. Got to see my cute cousin Brad for his birthday and ate a GREAT meal at his house. Things just always taste better there..
Our end of season party was great. I think the PRLL coaches did an excellent job with these kids, and with the party. I will have some pictures soon hopefully. I have tried a few different times to upload and it's not working for some reason. I wish I had picked out a different camera. This ones so much trouble!
After much agony trying to decide what was best for Caleb, I ended up getting him his first dose of the H1N1 vaccine. I was so afraid of him getting H1N1 and his asthma being so affected that he would end up really hurt. My current dilemma is what to get him as his main Christmas gift... I have several ideas but still have not made up my mind. Last year he got a DS and the year before he got a big Power Wheels 4 wheeler. He definitely wants lots of wrestling stuff!
Even though I haven't been able to upload NEW photos, I wanted to post something! I check the blogs I follow everyday, actually several times a day! And I get upset when someone doesn't post often enough, so I can't imagine how some would would feel that actually checks mine often only to see that I haven't posted anything! Sorry!

Oh! here are some Halloween pics that someone sent me from their camera! and also some pics from Octobers Pumpkin Farm field trip and some other things (forgot about them). I will try for new pictures again tomorrow.