Tuesday, December 8, 2009

My Truck..Before and After DEER

Before ... (2.5 yrs ago)


By the way, the weekend before Thanksgiving we went to WV to visit with my lovely Maw maw who is also one of my best friends in the world, same goes for my sister Michelle and her beautiful family. The morning we were going to leave, Ryan got up early and drove in to town while Caleb and I were still asleep (6am) and hit a big deer with my truck.. Worst part is that Ryan inisted it was ok to drive, and he blew up my engine. Luckily insurance is going to cover it. I am getting a salvaged engine put in now, in CUMBERLAND. Thats right ladies, we broke down half way home and insurance wont pay to tow it home so there it sits. Hopefully I will have it back after Christmas. I REALLLLY miss my truck. It makes me so sad to look at that picture of it from right before I bought it. Poor truck had no idea what it was getting into. It used to be soo pretty and clean! Now it will probably never be the same.

...Trees of Christmas Past...



Monday, December 7, 2009

Most Wonderful Time of the Year!

My pretty Christmas tree. It pretty much always looks like this.
I have tons of favorite ornaments, which I will take pics of tonight for everyone.

My favorite are Caleb ornaments and ornaments handed down from my grandparents, including really cute old santas.

Here's my tree naked! a little lumpy/lopsided..

Cutie in long johns, I just love him in those.

Posing with our yard stuff.. Caleb wanted to take my picture! Notice his beloved jiminy the cricket on the north pole sign..

Caleb after all of his hard work helping me in the yard.

Beautiful boy. (he was showing off his tummy guitar tat..)

Getting ready to go play Rock band

Right after his haircut.

Bree and Caleb looking cool..


My boy
Caleb just lost his 2nd tooth last week. He's doing really good right now. Learning how to spell lots of new words. Reading a little. I'm having a great time being his mother. Today is Brianna's 5th B-day! Happy Birthday Bree! Also, Congratulations Raiders on your big win against the Steelers! I'm glad Ryan got to be at the game. Have a great week blogger moms!

Thursday, November 19, 2009

So Busy!

My baby in his Raiders gear
Pretty Bree

Leaf thing I made with huge leaves Caleb collected

His beautiful picture he made for me. A turtle, the sun, a flower and grass..

Cute trick or treaters

Me and my boy, ignore the messy closet..

Caleb and his bff Justin

Daddy and Calebs shoes..


Best cousins playing WWE 2010

Pumpkin Farm

making a popeye face..

Silly boys on the bus!

I have been so busy with everything. I'm playing catch up, doing all the things I didn't get to during Fall ball. I just had a great visit with my Aunt Jill and Uncle Wayne. Got to see my cute cousin Brad for his birthday and ate a GREAT meal at his house. Things just always taste better there..
Our end of season party was great. I think the PRLL coaches did an excellent job with these kids, and with the party. I will have some pictures soon hopefully. I have tried a few different times to upload and it's not working for some reason. I wish I had picked out a different camera. This ones so much trouble!
After much agony trying to decide what was best for Caleb, I ended up getting him his first dose of the H1N1 vaccine. I was so afraid of him getting H1N1 and his asthma being so affected that he would end up really hurt. My current dilemma is what to get him as his main Christmas gift... I have several ideas but still have not made up my mind. Last year he got a DS and the year before he got a big Power Wheels 4 wheeler. He definitely wants lots of wrestling stuff!
Even though I haven't been able to upload NEW photos, I wanted to post something! I check the blogs I follow everyday, actually several times a day! And I get upset when someone doesn't post often enough, so I can't imagine how some would would feel that actually checks mine often only to see that I haven't posted anything! Sorry!

Oh! here are some Halloween pics that someone sent me from their camera! and also some pics from Octobers Pumpkin Farm field trip and some other things (forgot about them). I will try for new pictures again tomorrow.

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Always playing catch up!

My sick baby coughing and holding his tummy because it hurt from coughing so much.
Trying to smile for me.

At the hospital finally getting some temporary relief from the croup and getting a little rest finally at 5am.

crying because he was coughing again.

sleeping peacefully.

His John Cena costume minus the wristbands, we couldn't find them that night.. he also has skin colored thermals to wear under that.

He's too funny.

Family get-together at my sis Sharons so we could visit with Angie who was home for the weekend from college. So proud of my little college girls! Keep making the good grades!

Wayne's B-day party on the 10th.

The Chick-Fil-A cow come to one of our games before our fundraiser night. He's hugging Ryan in this pic.. lol

Caleb at his dentist appointment on the 9th. They showed us where he has an adult tooth coming in behind his lower front teeth. (hard to see in this pic). He had no cavities! yay! good job Caleb! He's growing up on me too fast.. he just started wiping his own.. you know, and washing his own hair, and now grown up teeth??!

Smiling for crazy mom at the dentist. The lady in the room asked me if it was his first time going to the dentist, I guess because I was taking so many pictures.. I always do!

Best Buds! Caleb and John

My little baseball player man

Hit it #2!

Caleb at basketball with his longtime friend Collin!
handsome boy of mine

I love you stinky face.

Caleb's favorite Blue Crab player.. Mac Suzuki! We finally got his autograph. very nice man.

What's been going on with us???
(pics go from most recent at the top to 2 weeks ago at the bottom.. )

Caleb has been sick since Saturday. He had the croup again and strep throat. Today was his first day back at school. He cried so hard this morning that he started wheezing and threw up his pink antibiotic on the carpet when we were getting ready to go out the door. I had to sit with him for 10 minutes when we got to before care at his school. He was sad to be away from me and I could tell he was really tired from coughing a lot in his sleep. It felt awful having to take him to school today. I'm sure he's feeling fine by now. I already had the school nurse check on him this morning. His school has been great with his asthma and everything. Tomorrow is his field trip to the pumpkin farm and I'm going. I can't wait to be with him all day again to take care of my little man. In other BIG news, Caleb lost his first tooth on Tuesday! I came in to work on Tuesday and Grandma Joan watched Caleb until Daddy got off at 12. When his little sick voice called my desk phone to tell me he lost his first tooth while he was there, I just started crying at my desk. I couldn't speak. I kept trying to get words out but they were not coming! I think I was tired and missed him so bad after being with him and caring for him non-stop for the several days before and I wanted to be there when he lost his first tooth. I can't get a good picture that is not blurry.. I can't figure out my camera sometimes. I need to read the book. I will work on it though. Here are some other pictures from the past 2 weeks, including his Halloween costume. I have been reading everyone else's blogs everyday, just haven't had time to work on mine. I love all of the new fall backgrounds and headers! Good job girls! I pray that your babies stay very healthy through this tough season!