Friday, July 30, 2010

Advice?? & complaining..

Has anyone else had really bad morning sickness?

Has anyone been unable to eat until after getting sick 1st thing in the morning and then again between around 9 and 10?  and then very hungry around lunchtime, but have strong aversions to most foods?  I end up eating mashed potatoes for lunch it seems like.  Then around 5 or 6 I feel like I’m going to starve and I have to eat as soon as possible or I feel like I’m going to be sick.  And of course it can only be certain foods, that seem to change daily.  The only steady is that I cannot think about eating most meats, especially chicken and ground beef.  I can eat dry steaks some nights, but that’s it.  I did eat a little bit of a fried chicken leg the other day but that was the only chicken I have eaten in about 3 weeks.  Also, a VERY big problem for me is fluids.  I normally love water and drink mostly water and tea.  Now, I can’t seem to handle water at all.  I eat ice cubes in the morning trying to hydrate a little, and it makes me more sick.  I almost wish I could just work at my desk with an iv hooked up to my arm.  It would be easier I’m sure.  Normally I don’t like to drink slurpees or anything like that because of all the sugar, but yesterday I had a slurpee after lunch and it was awesome.  popsicles and icee types of drinks seem to go down best, but only afternoon or later.  It’s kinda miserable.  Getting to work everyday is a huge challenge and I feel like I’m being tortured trying to sit up at my desk all day.   I have tried crackers first thing in the morning.. just makes it hurt more when I get sick.  I can’t take a shower without getting sick by the time I’m done, then when brushing my teeth.  I have an upper respiratory infection or beginnings of bronchitis going on so I’m on a Z pack too.  I’m hoping that maybe some of my feeling horrible will go away when that kicks in.  I am all over sick feeling everyday for most of the day.  My shots are so bad sometimes with this pregnancy that it even makes me nauseous thinking about getting ready to do it.  With Caleb I had just a little bit of average morning sickness.  I feel so bad for the girls I know that said they were so sick, if I had known it could be like this I would have been doing so much more for them, like cleaning their house and bringing them bland foods!  I really hope this goes away at 12 weeks :(  I know it’s worth it in the long run but for now I have a hard time even focusing on the baby, I’m always thinking about how sick I am and what I can do to feel better.  I wear these stupid sea bands (that I don’t think do anything for me) and I have some dissolvable pills from Dr. Aron but nothing is helping! 

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Friday, July 23, 2010

Couldn’t resist..

Caleb Ryan 227

just saw this one.  I can’t believe my baby has grown so much.  He’s adorable.

Flashback Friday

Caleb Ryan bball

little baller

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Reese update


Well, I’m about to call and cancel the appointment we made for Saturday morning.  Ryan told me last night that he wants to wait until Reese gets even worse, and I’m so glad because I feel the same way.  I’m not ready.  So, maybe we can get another month if things keep going like this week.  He hasn’t had any accidents in the house in days and he has been going outside for me without too much trouble.  Ryan hasn’t had to carry him in a few days that I know of either.  He did fall in the kitchen this morning and slid sideways into the fridge but it sounds worse than it actually was.  I just can’t end his life yet when he can still get around somewhat.  Some people will think I’m crazy but I think Reese would rather stay with me longer!  He doesn’t seem to be in pain so I can’t imagine doing that to him just because 2 of his legs don’t work right anymore.   That pictures from when he could still walk to the end of the street with us.   God Bless these wonderful animals in our lives.  Our loyal, loving pets.   

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

8 weeks 7/21/10


Baby Hock

Everything went well today at my doctors appointment.  I did get sick there but that just keeps reminding me that this boy or girl is doing well.  Dr. A said my vitamin D was kinda low but that’s common.  I scheduled my next 3 appointments with him and I need to call today to schedule my 1st appointment at my high risk doctor in Rockville.  With Caleb I saw them all the time but since that pregnancy went well on my medications I don’t need to go there as much with this pregnancy.   I need to see them between 11 and 13 weeks.  They will measure every little part of the baby and make sure that everything is growing the way that it should, and flowing the way it should.  They will make sure there are no blood clots in the umbilical cord or placenta.  I’m almost through my first 60 shots, only about 540 more to go ;)  Caleb went with me today and he loved Dr. A’s fish.  He also told me hey that guy has a bald head like Dad, and he went to the bathroom with me and I started getting sick and he said “I’m outta here!”  and ran out..  He’s a trip.  I don’t blame him.

Due date is February 27th, but they will induce me about 2 weeks early.  So, maybe Feb12th?  Caleb’s Birthday is the 9th!

Neat Facts – Caleb’s first two sonograms were 7/7/03 and 7/21/03.   This baby’s first two were 7/7/10 and 7/21/10.  Completely not planned but really neat….


Caleb when we got to the doctors.. not really wanting his picture taken.

Monday, July 19, 2010

Big Hock Family News!

So, I couldn’t wait any longer to put it in the blog world….  I’m just going to do it real spur of the moment like the crazy person that I am… 


I am pregnant!

wheeeww, got that over with!

I’m still early.  I have been on my blood thinner shots for a while now and I go for a 2nd sono Wednesday morning.  I have been SOO sick for 8 days now, all day long everyday.  Dr. A called me in something to help me so I can’t wait to get home and try that…

My family says it must be a little girl since she’s torturing me so bad.    With my APS it is a nice way to make me feel that everything’s going ok though.  Just pray for us that it works out and we are able to have another healthy child!

On a sad note, our beloved doggy wont be able to be with us much longer.  It turns out he has Degenerative myelopathy and the Vet said there is nothing they can do for him.  Ryan has been carrying him up and down the stairs so he can go to the bathroom.  He is currently 85 pounds.  He lost 5 pounds (probably of muscle) since his last appointment.  So, carrying him and trying to help him up when he falls is not really something i ca do in my current state of high risk pregnancy.  So, Friday is the day we are planning on as of now.  We have good news and bad news right now for sure.  Say a little prayer for me that I handle it okay when we have to go through with it.  It’s been a very hard decision and one of the most suckiest things I have had to go through.  I love this dog so much more than a pet, and he still looks up at me with so much love- oh gosh, Im gonna cry again!  Anyways.  That’s the main stuff going on with us.  I will try to post vacation pictures tomorrow.