Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Thank You!


Monday night I was very pleasantly surprised!  I thought I was meeting a few girls for a birthday dinner for me at Panera, my favorite!  And instead I had my first baby shower for Jacob!  I was so shocked.  I still can’t believe how many ladies came out in the cold to be there and how many wonderful gifts I got.  The outfits and everything are all so adorable.  I just keep looking at them all over and over.  I can’t wait to see them on my baby!  I love my blanket so much too and I actually almost cried when I saw my bedding stuff.   I just LOVE it.  And I really love my Jake Ryan t-shirt too.  I wore it to bed last night!  It may look funny on me right now but it’s nice and soft! 

I am so thankful to have met such wonderful ladies and I’m honored that they would do all of this for me.  It was very, very special!  Thank you Patti for organizing everything.  You are so wonderful! 

Ryan saw a couple awesome ladies yesterday who mentioned to him something about the baby’s room not being started or something?? and guess what.. when I got home from work he had moved 2 dressers, Caleb’s desk and a bunch of other stuff downstairs all by himself!  The room is almost cleaned out now.  We can paint this weekend hopefully!  Just have to have the huge desk moved!  Then its carpet time!  I should have the furniture in 2 weeks, then I can finally see my adorable bedding on his bed!  and put everything away.  I can’t wait!  I’m getting so excited!!


Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Our Christmas Day 2010


After Santa came.


Sleepy boy, always ends up in his undies.


Look at that face, he’s thinking I  know what it is, it’s my new baseball bat!

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When he really loves a gift, he sometimes hugs it..



ignore the laundry and all… Thanks..



I couldn’t sleep well all night, I was awake very early just waiting for him to wake up.  I was finally about to wake him as it turned 7 am but then he came in and said “Mom, I think he came!” 

We went out to the living room and he started with his stocking.  He was a very happy boy and loved all of his gifts.  By 9:30 we were on our way to Ryan’s parents for breakfast and our gifts there.  I made a yummy breakfast casserole and Ryan’s Dad made some other yummy stuff.  So we ate and then opened gifts.  Around lunchtime we left there and went to my parents and exchanged gifts with them and  then went home to drop off some of our gifts and pick up the next load of gifts to be delivered.  We went to Ryan’s grandmas at 3 and had a delicious dinner there and exchanged gifts with our secret santa’s  then the kids, then Nana gave out her gifts to everyone.  Around 7:30 we left to go to my parents to see the rest of my family but unfortunately some had already left to go home because of the snow.  I hung out with my two sisters that live around here and my cool cousins and then finally we went home around 10 something I think.  I was so tired and sore from all of my hard work Christmas Eve.  It was a great day though!  Just wish that one day we wont have to travel so much and can maybe stay at our own house some on Christmas Day!  We are so blessed and have such WONDERFUL families and friends.  Even Jake got a few gifts!   I missed my out of town family and of course my Reese.  First year without him in so long.  Caleb said he wants Reese back from Heaven for his Birthday.  That’s not going to happen and unfortunately he’s not getting a new puppy either!  On Christmas day I also found out that 2 people in our family are expecting babies!  One is Ryan’s Aunt Julie and one is my big brother Micki and his girlfriend.  So I’m going to be an Aunt again!  Just wish I could see them more and that they weren’t so far away! 

December pictures.. catching up


On the 19th Caleb was in our Church Christmas play like every year.  There were two short plays this year, a nativity one and the shoemaker one..  Caleb was the Christ Child in the shoemaker play.  He did so incredibly awesome.  Everybody was coming up to us telling us how great he did.  I didn’t get many pics because i was in the back handing him each next pair of shoes for him to sneak out onto the bench.  I gave my Dad my camera and someone else video taped it for me with Ryan’s video camera.  We are so proud of him.  Everyone did really well!


These are a few pics from the Wood/Hock/Baldwin Family Christmas party.   Caleb was so sweaty and red from running around playing with the big kids.  I tried to get them to slow down but it was a lost cause.





Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Our New Son

will be called..

Jacob Ryan

This is a pic from last month.  I am going this afternoon to Rockville to get new pictures! 

So, this name was never on my list with either boys, but somehow it just came up one day and it stuck with everyone.  It’s really strange how it worked out.  I still ask Ryan and Caleb to look at names with me and they say his name is Jake.. So, Jake it is. 

Monday, December 20, 2010

Merry Christmas!

xmas card 2010

Daddy’s 1st purchases for baby..

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There was just no stopping him.. I’m not sure when he will ever wear the shoes, but now he can really be just like Daddy and Big Brother..

Monday, December 6, 2010

My favorite thing


about this time of year..


Christmas trees.  I’m kinda plain with them.  I love all of the ornaments that I have collected over the years and the ones that have been handed down to me.  And I love white lights.  Next year I am getting Caleb his own little tree for his room that he can put all of his buzz lightyear, ninja turtle, WWE wrestler ornaments on.. They are starting to be too much, and he has to have them right in the front! 

It’s leaning a bit to the left…  but I love it.  Our biggest tree ever.   Don’t worry, I will get it straightened up!