Saturday, February 26, 2011

Jacob Ryan 5 days old

Hey everybody! I'm going to get caught up soon, for now here's his 1st picky sticky picture. I'm going to try to take one on time every month so I can see what he looked like every month the first year. (in case you can't see it, this sticker on his shirt has a 0 for zero months). Wish I did something like that with Caleb. We are all doing pretty good. He keeps me a lot busier than I thought he would, but thats ok. He's wonderful and adorable and I am so in love with him. Both of my boys, well all 3 of my boys, make me very happy and proud. I'm very lucky.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Jacob's First Dr Appointment!

He is on his way to the doctors for his first check up : ) Elaine said her and Baby are doing well !! Big brother Caleb is super Excited !! So that is great : ) Im sure she will be back on here blogging soon!
Jacob you are so flipping adorable I can't wait to come visit you sooon :)

Monday, February 21, 2011

The little PRINCE has ARRIVED!!!


More Pics will follow as soon as I get them !!

Baby J I can't wait to come see you tonight : )


"Play by Play Waiting on Baby J "

Good Morning ! I am "guest blogging" for Elaine because she is in the hospital bed right now :) I couldn't be more excited reading my text msgs keeping updated on what is going on since I am at work, so I hope your just as excited on the other end reading ! I will try to keep this updated as possible, I suck at my own blog but couldnt wait to log in to write this one !

Ok enough rambling here is the good stuff :)

She was to be at Civista at 6:30 am ! Im sure she got there on time !

I texted her at 7:14 to wish her good luck and check in on her ! @ 7:20 I got a repsonse saying " Im good ! All ready. Waiting for Dr. Aron to come in and start the pitocin - iv's ready , bloodwork done! he should be here any mintue, im hungry that is all ! " { haha gotta love her ! what pregnant women isnt hungry!}

At 8:05 Ryan (her hubby , the best baseball coach around ) texted me to let me know they had just broke her water!!!! They had also started the pitocin!

9:00 she was still feeling good and having some Contractions !!!

9:43 - They have not rechecked her but before they induced her she was 2 cm. She said its Painful right now but that is good. { Im not sure how its good , but i'll go with it }

11:21am - "Finally got checked by my awesome nurse, was only about 3cm"

1:38 pm - I got the text from your daddy that read " BORN" !! SO YAY {of course waiting on more details, how much you weigh, height, etc : ) }

Baby Jacob please hurry !! You have ALOT of people waiting for you to make your grand enterance !! You have one AWESOME MOMMA && a WONDERFUL DAD !! CALEB is going to adore you and teach you all the ropes !

and thats all for now ! As I get more updates I'll update this post !!


Friday, February 18, 2011

Last Day at work for 12 weeks!!!

See you May 16th Benelli!!!

I'm so happy :)

Wednesday, February 16, 2011


Antiphospho....what? Infant Bodysuit

Obviously I’m not the only one that gets that response!  Feels like nobody knows about or understands APS.    My babies are miracle babies and I’m so blessed to have found wonderful doctors that do understand.  If anyone ever has a friend that keeps suffering from losses make sure they get checked for this.. With the right treatment you can be a Momma! 

Induction Date!

I have been too busy and tired to properly blog about everything going on lately.  I’m going to try to get to some of it now, and hopefully wont leave too much out! 

Last Thursday I had my last appointment at MFM in Rockville with Dr. Hammersly.  Jake looked great as usual but my fluid level had decreased a lot.  It wasn’t super low but she wanted it checked again by this Monday the 14th and if it was still low or any lower she wanted him to be delivered right away.  She told us to be ready for delivery Monday.. So, on Monday we had to be at Civista at 2 pm for a sono to check fluid levels, non stress test and biophysical profile.  Obviously, since he’s still in my belly, my fluid level was way up, all the way to a 14, which is great.  So, even though at first I was a little disappointed because I’m so ready to meet him, I’m very grateful that all the tests were great and he seems to be a very healthy boy!    Next we went to my appt with Dr. Aron at 4:10.  He scheduled my induction for next Monday, the 21st!  Ryan and I will get to the hospital at 6 am.  My parents are coming to my house at 5:30 to stay with Caleb and let him sleep longer.  When Jake gets close to arriving, they will come up to the hospital and will be very anxiously waiting for him!  Once Jake’s here, his big brother is the first person that we want to see him.  I can’t wait for that.  I only have 2 more days to suffer through working after today!!!  I’m pretty certain I have a sinus infection, so I’m going to the walk in clinic today on my lunch break to make sure I’m all better before next Monday.  Please pray I don’t pick up any nasty illness while I’m there.  I also am very nervous about Caleb getting sick before then.  I really want my boy healthy and ready to meet my other boy! 

In the last 2 weeks I think I have had 3 sono’s, but no pictures!  at this point you cant really see his face anymore, so I don’t  mind.  It’s all about checking on how he’s doing in there, his blood flow and movements and I’m always really amazed that he’s doing so well.  Caleb was the same way.  I’m very blessed.  I guess I can make very healthy, big babies- as long as I have my Lovenox (best medicine ever invented).

Come on Monday the 21st!!!

Friday, February 11, 2011

Caleb’s Room So Far

and a new pic or two of Jake’s room. 

(my camera stinks by the way)










The sailboat picture was a gift when Caleb was born, painted by Ryan’s uncle Van who went to Heaven almost 4 years ago.  So even though it’s not sporty, it stays.  it’s a lovely picture and I like remembering him every time I look at it.




Caleb’s Super Bowl B-day celebration




Stinky Steelers Fans :)




(he wore his Woodson jersey since he plays for Green Bay now.. )




Happy 7th baby!  We love you so much <3

Caleb’s B-day Movie date with Friends

On Saturday the 5th Caleb got to pick 5 friends to take to the movies to celebrate his B-day.  The only kid movie out in Waldorf was Yogi bear.  It was ok, a little boring to me but the kids had fun!

Of course he invited his girlfriend Emma and also his buddies Justin, Xavier, John, Christian and Macie.

Here are some pics!  (I some how didn’t get any of Justin and Zay!)  Megan help me out here…


They sat by each other in the movie and shared popcorn.. kinda cute.








Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Birthday Boy- morning


I took this before I woke him up this morning.  He’s so beautiful to me!  He got to open 2 gifts and pick out his outfit for today, which happened to be his Orioles jersey that Sarah and Mike gave him at his B-day celebration on Sunday.  He had some B-day fun Saturday and Sunday, I just still need to blog about them when I get a chance..  Maybe tomorrow!


Here our some pictures of grump before school.


Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Caleb's favorite things at almost 7 years old!

Caleb LOVES baseball and football. More than any kid I know really. He loves playing baseball, and he loves watching anything football, or even just throwing one to himself, however I cannot talk him into playing yet.. He insists he has to play Spring and Fall baseball. His favorite teams are the Raiders, the Orioles and the terps. He still loves turtles and the color blue. He absolutely loves his daddy and they are best friends these days. His favorite football player is Darren McFadden. During the playoffs he was very excited for Dad to set up his own online fantasy team. He really wants to be just like Dad these days. He also really enjoyed helping Dad with his football pools this year. He loves video games and plays for atleast a little bit everyday. He will get up early to play a half a game of Madden 11 before school, and fold towels for me to get to play again before bed. A while back he wanted an ipod for his B-day, then it changed to a darren McFadden fathead for his wall. That was his big gift that he wanted this year.. Caleb also has started collecting football cards and has a nice binder that he puts them in and keeps them sorted by team.

He complains often of girls chasing him at school because they think he is hot, and tells me that he doesn't like any of them though, because he only likes Emma. We have about 20 or more baseballs in the house, about 6 footballs, and many many other little balls.. and he has to be always throwing them. I can't get him to stop. It drives me crazy! He also loves wrapping coins.. just another little thing he likes to do with, and because of Dad.. I know, I'm a little jealous of how much he adores him. I know he loves me tons but there's just something about how he adores his dad that makes me jealous and at the same time I absolutely love it. He loves his family and friends. He's learned to text from our phones and sends grandma Brenda texts all the time, and can also call her. For instance one time recently he called her while Ryan and I were rested on a Sunday afternoon (which is rare) and told her that we were sleeping and nobody was playing with him, and she should come over.. Well I was not asleep and heard the stinker and had to tell my mom he was full of it. She thought it was great and teased me saying he can call and tell on us anytime now. Great! He can shake his bon bon like crazy when nobodys around. he has some major Elvis moves. Wish he would perform for others, but it seems to be a just for mom thing. I can't believe how big he seems now. He's such a joy to us and I can't imagine what we ever did without him. I still end up staring at him when he's sleeping. I miss being able to carry him when he's asleep, and sometimes when I can't sleep I like to get in his bed and cuddle with him while he's unaware and can't tell me I'm making him lose at his game or in his way of the tv or I'm bugging him. There is a book I use to read to him when he was a baby that would make me cry and I just thought of it now. I think it is called I'll love you forever.. I want to go read it now.. I can picture my old lady butt holding him when he's 40, rocking him in his sleep. At what age do you ever stop feeling like they are your baby? I can't imagine ever not wanting to take care of him and make sure that he has everything he needs. I hope he adjusts well to his new brother and does not feel any less important. I think it should be fine since he is the center of his parents universe. I use to always tell him if went pro one day at a sport, I would move everytime he did and always be near him.. not sure how that works with 2 kids.. can't follow them both?? Guess I will have to let him grow up someday. It just happens SO FAST! I know he's only 7, but I swear, these 7 years have absolutely flown by. When I get up tomorrow he will be my big 7 year old and in a week he will be a big brother to my new baby boy. I'm really excited about all these great blessings going on in my life right now. No wonder I can't ever sleep! I love my boys, all 3 of them. and I wish my Reese was still here with us too! Enough rambling about my first baby for tonight. My legs asleep and someone in my tummy has major hiccups. I think that means i need a kitkat..

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Our Little Offensive Lineman




Last weds he was 5 lbs and 8 oz, this weds he was 6 lbs and 10 oz, and will you look at those cheeks!   He passed all his tests again.  I’m very ready.. and I think he is too.. He kept opening his eyes.

I called him my little linebacker, and Ryan said he’s too big for a linebacker, he’s more of an offensive lineman.. I don’t even know what he’s talking about! But oh well.. He’s ours.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

baby shower

Saturday I had a great baby shower at our Church with family and a couple of my closest friends.  It was wonderful.  I couldn’t believe how much I got for Jake.  Nana made lots of good food and Ryan’s Aunt Laurie made really cute decorations for the tables.  I finally have my quilt for his bed!  It’s so cute.. Tara and grandma Joan did a great job throwing the party.   here are some cell phone pics from that night of all the piles I had to go through.  It was so much worse before I even took these.  By Sunday night I finally  had everything cleaned up and put away.  It was a very busy but productive weekend.  I will take pictures of how the rooms currently look, and pics of the office my Wonderful Daddy has been building for us in our basement.  It’s really looking great down there.  Ryan will be able to paint next week! 









the colors in these pics are WAY off!  that cute pillow is really a pretty red.   Changing table cover is now navy blue. I put together the awesome little swing my sisters and mom got me but didn’t take a pic of yet, and I still have to pick up my glider chair from Ryan’s aunt Julie.  I forgot I use to have one!  Then his room is done until I get a great picture of him to frame in there.  I don’t want to put too much on the walls since Ryan just painted them so nice!

Doctor Appointment 1/31/11

I had an appt with Dr. A today and I was dilated 1 cm and partially effaced.  Head is very low down there, as it has been… guess those things don’t matter too much when you are being induced, but I think the point is to see if I could be getting close to going into labor on my own?  since they want to make sure I stop my medications first.  Anyways, As long as everything keeps looking good and I don’t have any signs of labor, he probably wont be here until 2/21/11.  That may be my new son’s B-day.  It’s getting VERY exciting.  I can’t wait to meet him.  I already talk to him everyday when I’m alone..  Like the first time I feel him in the morning I tell him good morning and I like to play my favorite all time songs for him when I’m in the car.  I’m just a nutty mother I guess.  I still feel like I have so much to do, but it’s really not that bad.  I want to get Caleb a big brother book.  I told Ryan today that my mom will bring Caleb to the hospital when its almost time and after Jacobs born I want Caleb to get to come in first with us before other visitors. He should have special big brother treatment.  I think it should be just us for a minute you know.  He’s been the only one for so long.  I want him to be very included and want him to feel very important.  I think that is when it will be more real to him.  He knows a baby’s coming, but I don’t think he has any idea what to expect.  I know he will love him very much.   I cannot wait!  I’m so beyond happy that Caleb is actually going to have a sibling.  I worried about that for so long now.

I go to get another sono/biophysical tomorrow.  I know I’m pretty lucky to get so many pictures of my baby.  It is SO reassuring to see him often when you don’t have much faith in your own body to keep your child safe.  I think that’s why I am so anxious for him to be here.  Of course I want to see him and I am slightly miserable most of the time, but mostly I’m so afraid of what could happen in there without me knowing it.   I was thinking recently that maybe that’s the main reason that I don’t enjoy pregnancy as much as a lot of girls do.  I don’t trust this body.  I trust God though and he’s really blessing me more than ever this year.  I guess 20 more days and I will get to hold my Jake.