Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Induction Date!

I have been too busy and tired to properly blog about everything going on lately.  I’m going to try to get to some of it now, and hopefully wont leave too much out! 

Last Thursday I had my last appointment at MFM in Rockville with Dr. Hammersly.  Jake looked great as usual but my fluid level had decreased a lot.  It wasn’t super low but she wanted it checked again by this Monday the 14th and if it was still low or any lower she wanted him to be delivered right away.  She told us to be ready for delivery Monday.. So, on Monday we had to be at Civista at 2 pm for a sono to check fluid levels, non stress test and biophysical profile.  Obviously, since he’s still in my belly, my fluid level was way up, all the way to a 14, which is great.  So, even though at first I was a little disappointed because I’m so ready to meet him, I’m very grateful that all the tests were great and he seems to be a very healthy boy!    Next we went to my appt with Dr. Aron at 4:10.  He scheduled my induction for next Monday, the 21st!  Ryan and I will get to the hospital at 6 am.  My parents are coming to my house at 5:30 to stay with Caleb and let him sleep longer.  When Jake gets close to arriving, they will come up to the hospital and will be very anxiously waiting for him!  Once Jake’s here, his big brother is the first person that we want to see him.  I can’t wait for that.  I only have 2 more days to suffer through working after today!!!  I’m pretty certain I have a sinus infection, so I’m going to the walk in clinic today on my lunch break to make sure I’m all better before next Monday.  Please pray I don’t pick up any nasty illness while I’m there.  I also am very nervous about Caleb getting sick before then.  I really want my boy healthy and ready to meet my other boy! 

In the last 2 weeks I think I have had 3 sono’s, but no pictures!  at this point you cant really see his face anymore, so I don’t  mind.  It’s all about checking on how he’s doing in there, his blood flow and movements and I’m always really amazed that he’s doing so well.  Caleb was the same way.  I’m very blessed.  I guess I can make very healthy, big babies- as long as I have my Lovenox (best medicine ever invented).

Come on Monday the 21st!!!


  1. GOOD LUCK :) I can't wait to hear how it goes and see pictures of of Jake! Caleb will be such a great big brother!!

  2. Yay!!! Can't wait to see pictures of little Jake! I'm sure you all are SOOO excited :) Caleb is going to be a great big brother!

  3. Awesome, just a few days away from meeting your newest baby boy!!

  4. So exciting! I can't wait to meet baby Jake!!

  5. Good luck!!!! I love Dr. Aron!! He delivered my last two babies!!!!!! Kinda sad I'm not going to be having anymore but hey 3's enough!!! I can't wait to see pictures of Jake outside of the womb!!!!
