Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Happy Birthday Bree!

My beautiful niece is 7 today!  i just wanted to share some great new pics of my pretty toothless 7 year old.







Monday, November 21, 2011

Baby girl clothes needed..

So, I thought i would ask, just in case anyone had a few used items of baby girl clothing they could give to me to send to my brother Mick for his 6 month old daughter Jordyn.  He just lost his job and was living paycheck to paycheck before that.  He has 5 kids and his youngest is the only one that lives with him full time.   I know things are hard for him right now.  I am sending him a package of things for Jordyn later this week and will do so again in a couple weeks.  I know she needs more clothes for winter and I don’t want him worrying about having money to go buy her clothes when I can help him out.  i am going to send some of Jakes things that are neutral colors.  She is in a 6-9 months size right now but any bigger sizes would also be appreciated.   It really stinks for this to happen to him at Christmas time.  I am praying for great things to happen for him.  Maybe say a little prayer for him also,  I would really appreciate it.  Thanks Everyone :)

This is my precious niece that I have not been able to meet yet.  Hopefully in the Spring.  Jordyn Dean Tippett


Thursday, November 17, 2011

Little Fall Picture Update

John and Caleb from the PRLL Fall machine pitch baseball team

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The 8U Southern Maryland Knights baseball team.  This is from the 1st ever travel game they played in.  Richmond Va double header.  Won one and lost one.  They did great and it was a great time.

8U Knights 10.23.11

My handsome big boy

caleb 11-6-11



His bestest baby brother being a good boy


My bff & baseball momma buddy


Cutie pants


My beautiful niece Brianna, almost at the end, right before the teddy bear.  1st ever season of cheering.  such a cutie.


Sucky Blogger of the Year Award goes to..


Wow.  August?  I last posted in August?    Anyhows, My Jakey poos is going to be 9 months on Monday!  He has been crawling backwards like a pro but not forward until yesterday.  He is now an official crawler.  HE was already getting wherever he wanted to go but now he’s completely crazy with it.  I just know he will be walking before I know it.  Where did my tiny little baby go?  Now i want another one ;)

Here are some recent crappy cell phone pics.






Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Slow Down, please


Caleb baby pics 046


Caleb baby pics 039

Caleb Ryan 039

kk smile red hat

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Nov 2007 033 

Michelles wedding 001



caleb cutie

Stop growing so fast baby bop.

2nd Grader



1st Grade



(the day we said good bye to our sweet Reese.)


2nd Grade!!!


1st time starting the school year as a bus rider.  He’s such a big boy!  He is really excited about the teacher that he has this year! 


Caleb and our neighbor friend Nate that is going into the 4th grade.


Caleb and his favorite person.  Jake is saying Mom, why are you doing this to me?? so early in the morning too..


Jake and Grandma Brendy


There goes my baby.   Hope you are having a great first day of 2nd grade baby.  I’m so proud to be your mom.

Friday, August 26, 2011

8/24/11 boys

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I could not be more in love

* 6 months *

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Jake is 18lbs 6oz.  (that’s what Caleb weighed at 4 months!)  His check up went very well.  He got 3 shots and did great. 

Jake is rolling all over the place, holding his toes all the time, reaches for and grabs toys and anything else he can get his hands on and then it goes directly to his mouth.  He’s still working on getting his first tooth.  You can only see a little part of it.  He is a ball of slobbery drool :)  Jake holds his bottle really well now and gets really upset when you take it away after its empty.  He will fight hard to keep on sucking on an empty bottle.  He likes to watch some cartoons in the morning when I’m getting ready.  His favorite seems to be Little Einstein's.  Caleb was very into baby Einstein but Jake doesn’t seem interested.   He likes the actual characters in LITTLE Einstein's better.  He laughs at them.  He has never disliked any food he has tried.  He drinks 4 bottles of formula a day (8oz).  Sometimes 3 bottles.  Then he eats baby food twice a day and has started getting little tastes of things like mashed potatoes when mommy’s eating.  he is very interested in other peoples foods.  he drinks a juice/water mixture from a sippy cup when he has his food especially.  He grabs the spoon and tries to hold it in his mouth when I’m feeding him.  He thinks he’s so much older than he is.  He almost has sitting up on his own completely figured out.  He still falls over so you cant leave him like that and walk away!   He smiles at his brother all the time.  He also smiles at his Daddy whenever he sees him.  I usually have to work for the smiles!  He screams and squeals when he’s tickled.  His most ticklish spots are his armpit area, belly, neck and thighs.  He still loves taking a bath and now splashes all over the place in there.   His favorite thing besides his bottle is his monkey lovie.  He sleeps with it at every nap and every night.  He likes to hold it and rub it with his fingers.    He got to try the baby swing at the park this week and really enjoyed it.  I can’t wait to get him a  swing now.  That’s all I can think of right now but I’m sure I’m missing lots.  He’s growing way too fast! 

Caleb has been the best big brother ever.  He is so good to Jake and tells me all the time that Jake is the best gift he’s ever received.


Does anyone still check this blog??  I am the biggest blog slacker ever…