Wednesday, July 21, 2010

8 weeks 7/21/10


Baby Hock

Everything went well today at my doctors appointment.  I did get sick there but that just keeps reminding me that this boy or girl is doing well.  Dr. A said my vitamin D was kinda low but that’s common.  I scheduled my next 3 appointments with him and I need to call today to schedule my 1st appointment at my high risk doctor in Rockville.  With Caleb I saw them all the time but since that pregnancy went well on my medications I don’t need to go there as much with this pregnancy.   I need to see them between 11 and 13 weeks.  They will measure every little part of the baby and make sure that everything is growing the way that it should, and flowing the way it should.  They will make sure there are no blood clots in the umbilical cord or placenta.  I’m almost through my first 60 shots, only about 540 more to go ;)  Caleb went with me today and he loved Dr. A’s fish.  He also told me hey that guy has a bald head like Dad, and he went to the bathroom with me and I started getting sick and he said “I’m outta here!”  and ran out..  He’s a trip.  I don’t blame him.

Due date is February 27th, but they will induce me about 2 weeks early.  So, maybe Feb12th?  Caleb’s Birthday is the 9th!

Neat Facts – Caleb’s first two sonograms were 7/7/03 and 7/21/03.   This baby’s first two were 7/7/10 and 7/21/10.  Completely not planned but really neat….


Caleb when we got to the doctors.. not really wanting his picture taken.


  1. I can't believe their sonograms were on the exact same dates!!! That's pretty neat! Glad everything went well today (besides you getting sick, I hope that gets better soon!) :)

  2. So glad to hear that everything went well today! Hope you start feeling better soon. :)

  3. What wonderful and exciting news!! So happy for you! Wishing you a happy, healthy, and easy pregnancy!

  4. OMG, I am so behind on reading, b/c of my new job! I had NO idea. I am SO happy for you!
