Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Random Picture Post

These are from different occasions throughout the last month I guess..

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He was a bit mad about me making him pause his DS game to take a picture..


That’s Justin on his head.. he did it so many times. Very talented!


Going for a ride.



I love you Caleb!  You are beautiful and so big now!  You are helping to take care of me and are very thoughtful and sweet (most of the time.)  I think you are having a growth spurt because you ate like crazy the other night and then wanted to go right to bed!  It was crazy.  It’s almost time for you to start first grade!  You have asked me a few times if I will like the new baby better than you.. I could never love anything more than you.  Maybe the same but not more.  You are my most special thing in life buddy.

1 comment:

  1. Love all the baseball shots of him! I can't wait to get Carter into T-Ball :) I hope you are starting to feel better too!!!
