Tuesday, August 31, 2010



Reese is gone and we are heartbroken.   

Hopefully soon it will be getting better!  Caleb is doing alright.  I have a wonderful family that is really helping us out.  Especially my Daddy for being there for me and digging in the heat Sunday and for everything yesterday. 


  1. Elaine, I'm so sorry about Reese! I know from having to put our childhood dog to sleep about 9 years ago how heartbreaking it is. Let me know if you need anything!

  2. It is one of the hardest things to do. The sadness will get better, just know that he is in a better place.

  3. I'm so sorry!! I know it's SOOO sad, I've been there TWICE! They are like your own little children. Praying for you!

  4. Aw Elaine I'm so sorry :*( Just hold onto all those wonderful memories you have and know that he's not in any pain anymore. Praying for you guys!
