Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Davis Family

davis boys

This is what I know as of now.  Tommy Davis, in the red shirt to the left of my maw maw is supposed to be ok.  Timmy Davis in the brown passed away along with Tommy’s son Cory(20) and his sister Pam’s son Josh (27)(lady in red shirt next to my mom).

Timmy’s son Cody made it out with Tommy.  So, Timmy (brown shirt) and 2 of his nephews (his sis’s son and bro’s son) passed away in blast.  Tommy (in red) survived along with his nephew Cody but his own son Cory didn’t make it.   I know this is really confusing.  We had earlier thought that Tommy and Timmy had each been with their own sons but they were with each others.  The ones that didn’t make it were on their way out after a long shift.  If it had been just a little later they would have been out and alive, but the other two would have been in there.   So many great men lost in this and I can only pray that the four remaining are found alive.  That would be a wonderful miracle.

The other two in the photo are my husband and my brother in law.

Thank you all for the prayers.   All of the affected families could really use them.

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