Monday, April 5, 2010

Please pray for WV miners

I got a call tonight from my mom who was very upset and needed me to try to calm her down. She told me about the West Virginia mine explosion. Two of her wonderful cousins and three of thier sons were in there, I have heard that one of her cousins and his son are out but we don't know what kind of shape they are in. The other three are still in there somewhere and we don't know how they are. I am a positive thinker and I keep telling myself that they will all be ok. It's just scary knowing that so many have already died in this mess. I lost a second cousin in a mining accident about 10 years ago and it's just awful. He was the most wonderful boy and I miss him very much. Thanks for always giving me rides on your 4 wheeler and playing video games with me Craig! His mother has never been the same since. I would not be either. He left behind a young daughter.

It's what so many of our relatives in WV do. I will never let my baby work in one! I pray they can get to the rest of the men and boys and that they are all ok, and I pray for the families of the men already gone. It's such a tradgedy.


  1. It's just such a risky job and I am definitely praying for you mom, her cousins' safety, as well as all the families and other individuals effected by this!!

  2. That is so horrible, your family will definitely be in my prayers!!
