From your #1 little man Caleb, Reese and Mommy.
We love you.
Mommys little man
Bench Warmer
My Daddy working hard on my bathroom..
Caleb trying out the new tub!
My baby doggy
Little batter
Wild Thing
We really enjoyed the nice weather that we had while it lasted. I’m ready for it to come back. Ryan’s birthday is Wednesday and we are having practice that night so I had the kids make a card for him at yesterdays practice and I’m making cupcakes to bring for him and I got him a cool Coach Ryan hoody from the kids. Caleb’s doing really well this year so far. I can really see how much he has grown and improved since he started when he was 4. It’s amazing.
She was saying she was a Chinese Princess and her name was Mulan..
My sister Erin is watching Caleb today since he’s off for Spring Break and I have to work:(
My moms out of town til tonight, so she will be watching him the rest of the week. I bet Caleb’s having fun with his funny cousin today though! She’s absolutely hilarious.
These pics are from a Birthday get-together we had at my house last Tuesday on My sister Michelle’s B-day, for all 3 of my sisters who are all March babies! 2 out of 3 of my bro in laws are March babies also, and so is my husband and a few friends and cousins. It’s such a busy B-day month! SO, Happy Birthday to Ryan, Michelle, Sharon, Erin, Bryan, Jasper, Heather, Megan, Karen and Ryder! Hope I didn’t forget too many people..
Anyone going to any of the local Easter Bunny breakfasts tomorrow?
I got this idea from Aubrey and Livi’s momma! Too cute.
(new link- this one actually works!)
I have so much going on, and not much time to try to write about it. Caleb’s doing well though! We went on our mommy & Caleb date Friday night where he told everyone that we were on a date.. Saturday he had baseball practice and a busy day playing outside. Sunday we played outside some more, he got to ride his 4 wheeler a lot and use a pitching machine for the first time ever. And I am proud to say that he hit 8 out of the 12 balls that the big scary machine threw at him. He was so excited! Then more 4 wheeler riding, some basketball then football. I will have pictures as soon as I remember to grab my camera..
My Dad worked hard on my bathroom all weekend and I got to use my new bathtub/shower last night and this morning, it’s great! Love you Daddy. Still lots to do though.
My Reese boy went to his vet appt yesterday and it really doesn’t seem very good. I have had a hard time all day, thinking about him and what could happen in the next year and I’m very sad. I went out to my car today and this is a cell phone picture of what I pulled from my purse.. I almost cried.
I forget that I still have his little puppy picture on my keys from 8 years ago. He has to go back soon to be sedated so he can have 3 X-rays and more blood work but I have to wait a couple weeks because it’s going to be expensive for me. I need to find more gold to sell :) The Vet Definitely thinks its hip dysplasia and maybe something with his left knee too. I just don’t want him to suffer or be in pain, and I know if/when it gets that way it’s going to be hard on all of us. This morning we were singing to Reese about what a good boy he was at the Doctors! Caleb was making up a song to the tune of a hip hop song. He’s a mess. So funny all the time. I guess the main thing I keep thinking about today is how Ryan’s aunt had 2 large dogs with hip dysplasia and had to get them both put to sleep because of it and I wouldn’t have any other choice if it got too bad for him. I can’t afford hip replacements for him and wouldn’t want to put him through it. I don’t know what to do. So, say a little doggy prayer for my Reese boy, that his condition doesn’t worsen, and that he isn’t in much pain. I know one thing, he’s a very happy, well loved dog. Sorry, I know this blog is for Caleb, but I have dog on the brain lately!
I’m so ready for beautiful sunny days with my own personal sunshine! I can’t wait for our mommy and Caleb dinner date tonight!
At the top is a pic from our book club meeting last Friday night. It was for Breaking Dawn. Always fun with those girls! Wish I had a pic of Shannon looking so cute preggo but she was right next to me. I should have asked for a big group photo!
Sunday we got to see Lance and Ryan for a bit and then went to Layla’s 6th B-day roller skating party. Caleb WOULD NOT skate at all. He chose to play the arcade games and got junk from the gum ball machines instead. Bree really enjoyed herself with aunt Lainey as always and i really enjoyed her. She’s my pre-tend daughter when I’m needing one. After we dropped Bree off at home, Caleb passed out in the car while jamming to his ipod.
Then we have a little baseball practice in there and photos of Caleb’s Leprechaun trap. There are pretty Leprechaun ladies in there and little cookies so that when the leprechaun gets lured in he will get stuck to the magnetic floor! I know, I’m silly. But he liked the idea so we went for it. I didn’t get a pic oof him in his green but he did have a cute St. Patrick’s Day shirt on when I dropped him off. He said that his big cousin had an extra green basketball jersey with him so he actually wore that the entire day and nobody but me ever saw his St. patty’s day shirt, but oh well.
Tuesday night he had a rough night with his allergies affecting his asthma really bad. When he had a really bad coughing spell and threw up all over me in his sleep I had to take him outside in the cool air to get it to stop. None of his treatments were helping. I thought last night was going to be bad too, but thank God it was much better! I can’t believe its almost been another week. Sometimes I feel like I’m flying way too fast through this life and I’m going to wake up one day as a 70 year old woman and feel like it’s all been a blur. Hope everyone has a great Friday and a wonderful, beautiful, sunny weekend!
On June 5th, 2001 my little Reese Cup was born. I got to pick him up in August 2001 and we he has been a wonderful part of my life ever since. Before we had Caleb he was our child. He went for car rides, went swimming with me in the pool, and slept in my bed all the time. These days he doesn’t quite get the same attention, but he doesn’t mind. He loved Caleb from the moment he met him. He will be 9 in a few short months. I can’t believe I have a 9 year old! His hips have been starting to bother him and this week I noticed his walk getting very bad. When he tried to run with me one night he was doing a bunny hop with his back legs. I’m afraid the Vet is going to tell me on Tuesday that he has hip dysplasia. Poor thing is getting old. I have been giving him extra attention all week, including getting his very own blog post! In the top right pic he is the puppy in the middle. That was when he was still with his parents owners. I like the pic when he is sitting by Ryan on the porch ( Ry was in Army Reserves back then). Such a great brother to Caleb. It breaks my heart to think about him not always being with us. He’s been such a blessing to our little family, so thank you buddy.
We Love You!
Caleb gave these to me when I got home the other night and said “Here mom, go buy something for yourself!” It kinda cracked me up.. Thanks Caleb. Mommy needed that.