Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Mommy Advice needed

I haven’t had a baby for almost 7 years!   I am not sure what the best things are these days.  What are the best diapers? (for chubby legged babies since that’s what I’m counting on),  Where can you find the coolest diaper bags?  What’s a good baby monitor that’s not super expensive?   What things are must haves?  What things did you hate?  They didn’t even have those little swaddle things when I had Caleb, I don’t think.. Are they good to have?  I shouldn’t really get many pacifiers till I see if he likes them and which kind, right?  I guess every baby is so different, it will just depend!  I was also wondering which sippy cups are the best these days?  Even though I have a while before I need them I was looking at them today and was surprised that I just don’t know anymore.  I use to be able to tell girls this kind of stuff and now I don’t know.. I guess I will figure out all my new opinions on these things..  Oh, what about the diaper genie things, I had one before and I didn’t care for it, maybe they have changed?  tell me what things you recommend, please!  Thanks Momma’s.  It’s so neat that I will have another son in a little over a month! 


  1. Hey, sometimes that's what these blogs are for too, mommy advice! Okay so my favorite diapers are pampers baby dry and trust me, I know what it's like having a chubby leg baby so I promise these work! They seem to hold in pee much better than the other diapers I've tried too, especially during the night. Someone bought me a diaper bag for baby shower but when I registered for ones I noticed target has some pretty nice bags. The baby monitor I use is the one that detects the heart beat called Angel care which is nice to have OH and I LOVED those swaddlers - Madalynn loved them too and we used them all the time for at least the first six weeks. Madalynn didn't take a pacifier right away but now she loves the NUK ones, like you said though it's different with every baby. I haven't found a good sippy cup that I love but I will say I LOVE having our diaper gene around, that thing is awesome! Something else I thought was useful having around would be the boppy pillow, especially if you plan to breast feed and also if you haven't already chosen baby bottles, I loved the Playtex VentAire. If you get these make sure you buy the slow flow nipples for the newborn stage. Sometimes they come with the fast flow nipples and those are definitely not for newborn stage! Sorry I know this is a lot of info but I hope it helps.

  2. Hey girl! I went to Luvs for my chunky babies eventually. I started off organic with the seventh generation brand but then got realistic! I just got a new red diaper bag that is skiphop brand. I got it from landofnod.com but you can find them most anywhere online. Like Lindsay above, I also loved the playtex ventaire. It worked for Gavins colic to let air escape so he wouldnt get gas. I used my boppy alot too. Not so much for brestfeeding but to prop the babies up on and even lay them on their bellies with their head over it (the warning label says not to) but it helped them to nap. I would never do it when I was sleeping. Only when I could keep an eye on their faces. Oh and I am an advocate for "Nalgene" sippy cups. Use them once your child can handle the hard plastic spout instead of soft. They never LEAK and are known for being TOUGH! Perfect for boys. You can get them at outdoor stores like REI. I hope this info helps! Best of Luck!!

  3. Good questions...I feel like we're all going to give you information overload though! Pampers were definitely my favorite for the baby stage! I switched to Huggies now because they seem to hold more at night and the Pampers started exploding on me from too much liquid. That might have something to do with Ryder's kidney/bladder issues though. I used Dr. Brown's bottles in the beginning and then switched to Playtex Drop-Ins. I like the drop ins because you can just throw the liner away after each use...less to wash and more sanitary :) I also use the Angel Care monitor, and Lindsay can tell you that I'm a huge advocate of it. It's definitely one of the pricier ones, but if you are a paranoid mommy like I am, it will be the most comforting thing you have ever bought. I agree, a boppy pillow is an absolute must have. I have no suggestion on the sippy cups, we use like 10 different kinds and I dont have a preference really. Hope some of that info helps, but you know you can always email me if you need anything else!
