New blue helmet.
Air hockey! (pics are going in wrong order of course, I stink at this)
cute new stocking
Santa's cookie leftovers... Caleb was very curious to know why the reindeer didn't eat thier food off of the grass...
Christmas Eve at Grandma Joans
Caleb and Braydon exchanged gifts since they wouldn't be together on Christmas day.
We had a great Christmas this year. I have been super busy, and we have dial up at home, so once again I am very behind posting. I wish I could do it more often, I have so many wonderful stories all the time that I don't ever get around to sharing.. So anyways, on to my Christmas post!
Caleb had a wonderful Christmas again and it makes me so happy to see him so happy. I went to bed around 12 and woke up at 2:30 am unable to go back to sleep so I thought maybe a shower would help so at 3:30 I got in the shower. Around 5 I probably fell asleep again and was up by 7 to watch my big boy open all of his gifts from Santa. He ran to the living room and saw all the presents but it wasn't until he confirmed that Dad wasn't the one to eat all of the cookies that he finally said Yay! He came! He opened all of his gifts very slowly, really appreciating all of them and he would clean up the wrapping paper trash after each gift. (he's definitely my kid) I told him I would get it later but he insisted that he pick up after each present. The last thing he opened was his 4 wheeler key. He just kinda looked at it. I said why do you think you got a key to a 4 wheeler, and he looked very puzzled. He said I don't know?? I had to get him to keep thinking and I finally said maybe there is something outside, so we got some warm stuff on really quickly and ran outside. He was really happy and excited but his favorite gifts were actually mini air hockey and a WWE sticker book.. Next we went to Ryan's parents house for breakfast and gifts at 10am and then back home to meet with my parents, they like to come see his gifts. Then at 2pm we went to Nana's for Christmas dinner and then at 8pm we went to my Parents for another Christmas dinner. It was an exhausting but wonderful day and I really enjoyed myself! Can't wait for next year.
He's so cute! Glad you guys had a good Christmas.