Tuesday, November 23, 2010

26 weeks MFM appt

I’ve had a pretty crazy day today but I want to try to get this updated from my appt yesterday before I get too behind and just skip it!  It was a great appt and I learned a lot, so I wanted to make sure i get it documented, if my brain will allow today.

My boys got home very late on Sunday night after the game in PA, so I got up and went to work Monday morning while they slept.  We had our Thanksgiving potluck at work, it was so yummy.  Ryan and Caleb picked me up at 12:30 and we headed to Rockville.  We got there right in time and luckily only had to wait about 5 minutes.   My nice sono lady started and doing her thing and I was checking out my new little boy and asking lots of questions.   I found out my fluid levels are no longer low, they are at 17 which is the high end of the normal range.  She said he was measuring a week ahead now and weighed 2 lbs.  I’ve been having a lot of pressure/ pain/discomfort lately way down low, especially when rising from my chair at work or getting out of bed.  It’s hard to do a lot of walking.   It’s been worrying me a lot since I’m still so early.  They explained to me that the baby’s head is VERY low already and that he’s a big boy.  His head and stomach are still measuring ahead and the Doctor even told me to restrict my carbs and sugar intake, just like when I was pregnant with Caleb.  So far, not having much luck with that, carbs are my favorite!  it’s a bad week to start any kind of diet!  Luckily my doctor once again told me that she wont let me have a huge baby, once it gets closer and he’s weighing at 8 pounds already they will write something up for me to be induced sooner.  His heart and everything else looked great.  I was a little sad we couldn’t get a good shot of his face.  He was head down low and facing my spine.  he also had his hand in front of his face for the whole 40 minutes of sonograms.  He moved it once to punch me in my side, and then it went right back.  He’s definitely still a He!  The doctor told me that my ligaments are just stretched out and there isn’t much support and I should buy one of those pregnancy support belts, but I really don’t know if they work and don’t want to spend a bunch on one.  Anyone have any experience wearing one?  I may try it, as uncomfortable as I am already when he’s just 2 pounds.  I can’t imagine how it’s going to get.  Oh, also I have Braxton Hicks every single day all throughout the day.  I really need to figure out how to drink more water.  They also come more when I’m doing a lot of walking around.  Saturday night I had my first ever real bout of heartburn.  I hated it.  I woke up Sunday morning and got it again.  Tums are my new bff.  I guess that’s enough rambling.  Here are my newest pics:

Sonograms 11-22-10(3)

Sonograms 11-22-10(4)

Sonograms 11-22-10(5) cord near mouth, momma does not like that!

Sonograms 11-22-10(6)

Sonograms 11-22-10(7)

Sonograms 11-22-10(8) arm and ear, and see his little fist of his other hand?

Sonograms 11-22-10(1) elbow and knee

Sonograms 11-22-10(2) His big ole Flintstone foot

Well, I sure think he’s cute like his brother.   Can’t wait to meet him!


  1. Those belly bands were my savior while I was pregnant with Madalynn. I worked in DC and had to walk to work everyday - at the end I wore it all day everyday! I think if I didn't have the band to help support my belly, I wouldn't have made it as far as I did. They work like a charm, at least they did for me!! I only got the band not the whole belly support one so those might actually help even more. Hope this helps a little =) Oh and I bought mine at Target which only ended up being around $25.

  2. Such neat pictures! Glad everything is looking good and he's a BIG healthy boy :)

  3. He has such the perfect little round head!! He is super cute already:)

  4. I can't believe how much technology has advanced since I had Kenzie!

    He is precious. I love the little feet pictures.
